‘An asset to publishing and creative businesses’

Well, the day has finally arrived!

At the London Book Fair I rolled out the intentions of VixenUK and was told the potential of the site was “an asset to the industry as a whole” (in terms of publishers, publishing and creative businesses that can provide for the industry).

And now, I eagerly await the email to tell me that my database site is online and I can go and test the VixenUK database and community site before rolling it out to others to test and send feedback.

I will be looking at the site in terms of how a member would access and use it, How a potential employer would search for information and how easy the database is for returning search results and information.


I know how I would like it to be used, but I want to open it up to all the Creatives out there, regardless of the industry you are in:

Are you a creative business/ sole trader/ freelancer/ new start-up?

Do you want to promote your business/skills on the web?

Do you want to be able to be contacted by prospective employers or collaboration projects?

Do you want to search for other people and businesses to collaborate with?


If you fit into any of these criteria, please get in touch and tell me how you envisage this platform would work best for you.


Please email me at info@vixenuk.co.uk with your views as to how VixenUK can best help your business, or start a discussion by commenting below.


Only by receiving your ideas and feedback, will I understand how you, the user, will potentially interact with this platform. I can then develop it to ensure it suits your needs. So please get in touch!

I look forward to hearing from you.



Founder of VixenUK



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